The utmost attention to issues relating to the environment, ecology and human health impinges on Company policies, aimed at guaranteeing safety standards higher than the ones enforced by the strictest safety regulations, and a total control of product formulation anticipating the most advanced regulations.
IVM Group has always been committed to enhancing safety, health and environment protection and to the reduction of the impact of its processes, products and services on the environment. Its Management and all colleagues are well aware of this commitment.
- IVM Chemicals attentively evaluates the real or potential impact that all its production and commercial activities can have on the safety and health of its Colleagues, Clients, public and environment in general, defining behavioral standards and using industrial practices which can lower as much as possible any kind of risk.
- All information is available concerning safety, health and environment, and it actively collaborates with all authorities and qualified organizations to the definition and development of measures to improve safety and protection of health and environment.
- IVM Chemicals provides its clients suggestions about the use, transport and disposal of products, and of their residues respecting safety, health and environment.
Wood and Sustainability
The advantages of the choice of wood in furniture and construction
Wood is ideal for furniture and for all construction elements: its ease of processing, its versatility, combined with the aesthetic properties and chemical and physical resistance that it acquires through coating, make it perfect for any architectural and design project. Above all, wood is undoubtedly the quintessential ecological material. It must of course come from certified forests, for which high quality standards and respect for ethical deforestation principles are guaranteed. Living in an environment where wood is the protagonist, from the floor to the walls, to the windows, doors and furniture, means making the best choice in order to save the planet.
The climate is also protected when using wood
The use of wood provides a fundamental contribution to climate protection. Wood in fact fixes carbon dioxide: trees store this gas, one of those most responsible for the greenhouse effect, in their roots, trunk and branches, for decades or centuries, depending on the tree species. Nevertheless, the ability to fix carbon dioxide decreases steadily with the age of the plant; upon its death, the wood is slowly decomposed by microorganisms and this process causes the re-emission of the carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. If, on the other hand, the wood is used for the manufacture of durable goods, the carbon dioxide instead remains fixed by its biomass for the lifetime of the latter. At the end of their life cycle, the residual woody material can be used as neutral combustion material from the point of view of CO2 emissions. In addition, wood processing entails very low energy consumption, much less than that required for the production of other building materials such as concrete and steel.
Obviously timber from certified forests must be used for which compliance with the rules for the protection of forest ecosystems is ensured. Wooden windows enhance the quality of the room, having a charm and beauty undeniably greater than that of PVC or aluminium. These are also materials which are not environmentally friendly since they do not renew themselves (the first being a petroleum derivative, the second a mineral). They provide better insulation. Thanks to the evolution of coating techniques, they retain their lustre over time with a minimal amount of maintenance. Wooden Floors and walls also provide excellent thermal and acoustic insulation. A wooden house is safe: it is in fact anti-seismic and fire resistant. It is now internationally recognised that well-designed wooden buildings, built according to the most modern techniques, can provide the most advanced levels of seismic safety. Numerous important studies have also dispelled the myth that wooden structures are more dangerous than those in masonry, reinforced concrete or steel in case of fire. Wood, thanks to its structure, is also able to remove up to 95% of the electromagnetic waves from mobile phones and radio equipment.
Trees and Forests
"Per ogni abitante della Terra ci sono 422 alberi, molto più di quanto si pensasse" (www.repubblica.it/ambiente - 09/2015)